Runpipe for Financial Services

Financial service firms rely on Runpipe as a core component of their digital strategy, so they can safely gain business insights and value from even their most sensitive data.

Runpipe in Financial Institutions

Create Strategic value

You’ll enable those who want to get started building digital products by providing them with templates and videos. They will become your company’s digital heroes.

Life Cycle-Management

We manage the entire life cycle for multiple low-code platforms and enable your business to build powerful products.

Risk & Compliance

Use our intelligence to give your people guided and automated access to your platform. Define policies that meet your company’s compliance.

Low-Code Excellence Newsletter

Get best in class information about Security, Governance, and Enablement for your Center of Excellence

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Easy Setup

Runpipe is build for easy integration into your existing IT landscape.

M365 Integration

The Runpipe Platform is built atop Microsoft’s stack to achieve perfect integration into the Microsoft 365 platform, incl. Single-Sign-On with Azure Active Directory, Yammer and Microsoft Teams.

GDPR Compliant

You may use Runpipe to store sensitive data. Therefore we make sure to be fully compliant with the German and Global GDPR regulations.

Data On-Prem

We provide the flexibility to save your data in your own data center, or within your cloud subscription using Microsoft Azure.

Intuitive Userflow

The Runpipe Platform is designed to empower citizen developers by providing intuitive user interfaces that require no training.